1/29/2025 • Olivia Batraski
Click Dysmorphia: How AI Could Save Me From 100+ LinkedIn Clicks
I just spent my entire morning checking my latest job postings on LinkedIn, sigh of deep…deep…deep…frustration. The experience. It’s simply mind numbing.
Click jobs. Looks for my latest job postings. Click. My jobs. Click. Posted Jobs. Click. Selected job. Click. View candidates. Sort…filter…mark as fit. Write message. View profile… view resume… view portfolio link… jump back to trying to find the applicants amongst the endless features and menu items… rinse and repeat. Click. View profile. Click. Open job post. Click. Mark candidate status. Click. Back to inbox. Thank you LinkedIn, I think I just developed click dysmorphia.
Click Dysmorphia - the frustrating distortion between how we naturally want to interact with interfaces versus how we’re forced to interact with them.
Soul sucking, dated Interface DesignYou can’t say they didn’t try though, they are doing what most are doing now. Slapping in an AI feature, “we’ve checked the AI box!”. But LinkedIn’s integration of “write with AI” for job posts is like a slap in the face of the capabilities of interface design today.
The level of opportunity for interface now… endless. I can go from just thinking about a job posting to having responded to 100’s of perfect fit candidates. I don’t want this automated, no. That’s soulless. I want to be part of this workflow. I want to engage in the parts I want to engage and remove the monotony of the time-sucking clicks and broken workflows.
Because this world is transforming. AI is creating a new reality for interface design, and I simply. Can. Not. Wait. UI design is reaching a new level of authentic workflow optimization. With this, interface design has become what I’ve wanted in my wildest design dreams.
Humanized. Natural. Fluid. Adaptable. It’s a breath of fresh air.
The traditional “click, click, click” approach to interface design… it’s becoming obsolete. Natural language UI isn’t just about removing clicks, it’s about making technology work the way our brains work.
We deserve better than endless clicking and broken workflows. Without the unnecessary steps… we flow… without the constant context switching… we focus… and without the rigid workflows… we get to do more parts of our jobs that we love.
Dear future interfaces… The days of adapting to software are ending. It’s time for software to adapt to us. And it’s about time. — Olivia
P.S. Back to clicking through LinkedIn profiles! But hopefully not for much longer 😎
#NaturalLanguageUI #UX #ProductDesign #FutureOfTech #AI
Click Dysmorphia: How AI Could Save Me From 100+ LinkedIn Clicks was originally published in BABCO on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.